Semi-Area Meet!

We made history that day.  -  2/11/2024

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Semi Regional Meet

Considerably our best meet yet, we made it out in 8th place.

Some notable moments include:

  • Programmer Aiden mentored JSTEM, helping them with their Autonomous program
    • Aiden helps JSTEM with their Autonomous mode
  • Winning a match by one point!
    • We won Qualification 38/40 with a score of 50-51.
  • We won the Motivate award (again!)
  • We won Motivate Award
  • We won Inspire 3rd award!
  • List of Inspire winners including us

And of course, we had fun too. Aiden and Orlando having a lot of fun

And of course...

... for the first time in Wagner Trilobytes history...

We made it to Areas!

List of Inspire winners including us

Because we won Inspire 3rd, and the Winning Alliance happened to be Inspire 2nd, we just made the cutoff.